Goldfish is one of the enormous beautiful fish that can be kept as a pet in our home. The goldfish can come in different varieties or types of goldfish such as common goldfish, fancy type goldfish like fantail, ornada goldfish, etc. 

In this detailed identification guide, you’ll learn more about different types of goldfish according to their beauty and unique features. So follow till the end to know more about goldfish because I’ll provide in-depth details of 17 different types of goldfish in this guide. 

After reading this detailed guide, you’ll choose the right goldfish for your aquarium. This guide has differentiated both normal and fancy types of goldfish, So It will be easier for selecting the best one for aquariums.

Here is the detailed care guide about goldfish. If you are a beginner, then read this post.

Normal Types of Goldfish

These are the best normal type of goldfish that you can choose for aquariums. Here I have included basic details and identification of each one. 

Common Goldfish

Types of Goldfish

Common goldfish are also known as Carassius auratus and they are from the carp family named Minnows and Carps native to East Asia. When we differentiate common goldfish firstly you will recognize their Vibrant color, Streamlined body.  They are mostly recognized all over the world.

It was the ideal choice for beginners because they can survive in a wide range of water conditions and are easy to care for them but you need to provide a good aquatic environment for common goldfish for their healthy growth. 

When we look at the appearance of common goldfish, they come in a wide variety of colors with shades of orange, yellow, and red. They may also have single color without any shades or glittering on the body parts.

The average lifespan of common goldfish is 10 to 18 years. They are social and thrive in any unbalanced water conditions and community tanks. So Common Goldfish will be a great choice for beginners in fishkeeping or community tank. You can also put them in a community pond because they can thrive in any water condition but I recommend using Filter for aquariums and ponds for better growth of fishes and to stay healthy.

Comet Goldfish

Types of Goldfish

Comet goldfish are also known as Sarasa Comet (Carassius auratus) and it was one of the elegant members of the goldfish family with a unique appearance such as a long body with a tail fin. It was one of the favorite fish that everyone loves to keep.

One of the main features of comet goldfish is their long body with a sweeping tail fin gives an attractive appearance for comet goldfish. Comet goldfish come in a variety of colors with shades of orange, yellow, white, and red.

The average lifespan of comet goldfish is 10 to 15 years and they are suitable for any water condition. However, they need a better aquatic environment in the tank. So you need to provide basic equipment like a filter, air pump, and heater.

They are social behavior fish and live with other peaceful fishes, but don’t keep them with aggressive fishes because aggressive fishes will attack their tails and comet goldfish may have stress due to aggressive behavior. 

It was also a good goldfish for beginners as well as experts because they can thrive in any water condition and are easy to care them.

Shubunkin Goldfish

Types of Goldfish

Shubunkin goldfish was also known as Calico goldfish and it was one colorful goldfish in the family. The spackled patterns of different vibrant colors give them an attractive and eye-catch look. They are suitable for aquariums and ponds, but you need to provide suitable water conditions for them in order to thrive.

One of the important features of Shubunkin goldfish is coloration with different patterns. The Shubunkin goldfish body was a full combination of bright colors such as orange, white, gray, and blue patterns. These color combinations will attract everyone and the fins of Shubunkin goldfish will enhance a visual appeal while moving through water.

They need ample space for exploring in the tank and suitable for social and peaceful tankmates. If you keep them in large tanks or ponds, they will show energetic behavior because they love to stay in large spaces.

The average lifespan of Shubunkin goldfish is 10 to 15 years. They are suitable for both beginners and experts, but you need to provide a better aquatic environment with proper water conditions and care them well for keeping them healthy.

It was suitable fish for both beginners and experts, but you need to keep them in proper water conditions and in large tanks or ponds.

Wakin Goldfish

Types of Goldfish

Wakin goldfish is one of the most elegant fish with an attractive appearance in normal type goldfish. The distinct body and elegant color will make them beautiful fish for aquariums and It was suitable for both beginners and experts.

One of the main appearance features of wakin goldfish is its long body and streamlined shape. Wakin goldfish comes in different varieties of color with shades of red, orange, and white. Some fishes may have metallic glazing on the body parts. Another attractive feature is the butterfly tail means the tail is divided into two lobes that resemble the wings of a butterfly.

It was one of the best fishes for ponds because they become large size such as 8 to 10 inches or more. They can thrive in any water condition but they need ample environment space for living because they love to swim in large tanks or ponds. You need to provide better filtration and nutrient-rich food for better growth of fish.

The average lifespan of wakin goldfish is 10 to 15 years, proper care and a balanced diet will increase their lifespan. Wakin goldfish is suitable for beginners as well as experts, But you need to provide a suitable environment for them.

Types of fancy goldfish

Now let’s look into types of fancy goldfish.

Fantail Goldfish

Types of Goldfish

Fantail goldfish was one of the best attractive goldfish and had a charming variety with a unique appearance and graceful movement. The unique fan-shaped tail with a round body will attract everyone.

The main notable feature of fantail goldfish is their double tail, The tails were divided into two lobes that resemble a fan. That’s why people named them fan-shaped tails (Fantail Goldfish). The appearance of fantail goldfish will attract everyone with a tails and round body shaped with swimming movements.

The body was shaped like an egg or round that was unique from other goldfish. The wide variety of colors and patterns with shades of orange, red, white, and black. They are even available in calico colors with different mixed colors.

The scales of fantail goldfish can vary in different types such as metallic, matte, and transparent.

It was suitable for a social and peaceful tank community because fantail goldfish are social and peaceful in nature, so they need a peaceful fish tank with non-aggressive temperament fishes.

The average lifespan of fantail goldfish is 10 to 15 years and you need to provide a suitable aquatic environment with types of equipment such as filtration, proper diet, and care for better growth.

Ryukin Goldfish

Types of Goldfish

Ryukin goldfish is a fancy-type goldfish with a visually striking appearance. The humpbacked body shape and flowing fins are the attractive parts of the Ryukin goldfish. It was suitable for fish-keeping experts because proper care and a balanced nutrition diet are important for them. So It was not suitable for beginners, but if you have experience with common goldfish and other fancy type goldfish then you can keep them.

One of the best features of Ryukin goldfish is the dorsal hump-shaped body with flowing fins. The hump was located behind the head and that gives them a unique eye-catching appearance. It was available in different colors with shades such as orange, red, white, and black. The fins of Ryukin goldfish are long and flowing, making them more attractive.

Ryukin goldfish are peaceful and sociable fish. So you need to keep them with peaceful community fish. Proper care needs to be provided for increasing the lifespan and the average lifespan of Ryukin goldfish is 10 to 15 years. You need to provide a good aquatic environment with a good filtration system for them.

Oranda Goldfish

Types of Goldfish

Oranda goldfish is a type of fancy goldfish with prominent head growth. It was a unique goldfish variety with head growth known as wen. It has a variety of coloration with graceful fins that makes them an elegant look.

One of the notable features of oranda goldfish is their head and fins. The head growth (wen) can vary in size and shape according to individual goldfish. The wen gives them a striking appearance for oranda goldfish. They come in different varieties of color with vibrant shades of orange, red, white, and black.

Another appearance of oranda goldfish is their fins and tails. The caudal fins and long-flowing tails will attract everyone and give them a unique appearance in the aquarium. Oranda goldfish are suitable experts because they need to be treated with proper care and a balanced diet. 

The average lifespan of oranda goldfish is 10 to 15 years. You need to provide proper care and an aquatic environment with good water conditions and a balanced diet will increase lifespan. Oranda goldfish are social and peaceful fish so they need can be suitable for a community tank with other peaceful or low-temperament fishes.

Black Moor Goldfish

Types of Goldfish

Black moor goldfish is a variety type of goldfish with black color with protruding eyes. Blackmoor was one of the best unique fish with bulging eyes. One of the main features of blackmoor goldfish is its dark black color. The entire body including the fins is black in color.

The body shape of black moor goldfish is rounded and bulging eyes which makes them a unique goldfish variety. They are social and peaceful fish that can get along with any other peaceful fish community.

The average lifespan of black moor goldfish is 10 to 15 years. You need to provide proper care and a balanced diet for the growth of goldfish. It was suitable for both beginner and expert fishkeeping. 

Bubble Eye Goldfish

Types of Goldfish

Bubble eye goldfish is a particular type of goldfish fish that was remarkable with bubble eye. The bubble beneath the eye gives a unique appearance to the goldfish.  The bubble size can vary according to the size and shape of the fish.

If we look at the body, it’s a short body with long and floating fins. The bubble-eye goldfish come in orange, red, black, and white. The scale may have a metallic or matt texture. It was a social and peaceful fish that loves to live in a community tank with other peaceful fishes.

The average life of bubble eye goldfish is 10 to 15 years. You need to provide all the basic systems and a proper aquatic environment for the goldfish. It was not suitable for beginners because they need proper care and a balanced diet for survival.

Lionhead Goldfish

Types of Goldfish

Lionhead goldfish is a variety type of goldfish that look similar to oranda goldfish and many people are confused with oranda and lionhead goldfish. So I will differentiate them as the oranda goldfish have a dorsal fin, but lion head fish doesn’t have it.

One of the main features of lion head fish is their head growth basically known as wen. The wen of the fish can change according to the size and shape of the goldfish. It can be formed in different shapes such as large, crown round, etc. The body shape was round and the broad shape and fin are flowing.

It comes in different colors including shades of orange, red, black, and white. You need to provide a suitable tank with peaceful fish without any crowd. It was suitable for the expert because they need proper care with a balanced nutritious diet. 

The average lifespan of lion head goldfish is 10 to 15 years. They need a sufficient tank with a proper filtration system.

Ranchu Goldfish

Types of Goldfish

Ranchu goldfish is also a type of goldfish similar to oranda goldfish, but there are differences between oranda goldfish and Ranchu goldfish. The Oranda goldfish have a dorsal fin and straight backline towards the tail but the Ranchu goldfish don’t have a dorsal fin and the back was downward pointed tails.

The swimming styles of Ranchu goldfish with round bodies will attract everyone and that was a unique appearance of Ranchu goldfish. The head growth with the round body was the main appearance of ranchu goldfish and long slender body parts.

Ranchu goldfish has flowing fins on the side and paired sets of anal fins beneath the body. The Rachu goldfish come in vibrant colors including orange, red, black, and white. The scales were metallic, matte, or transparent.

It was suitable for experts only because it was hard to care for them and you need to provide high-quality nutritious food with proper care and an aquatic environment. Maintaining good water quality and regular water changes is important for Ranchu goldfish.

Pearlscale Goldfish

Types of Goldfish

Pearlscale goldfish are also known as Chinshurin in Japanese) it was a unique type of goldfish with scales and a rounded body shape. The scales on the body stand out as a gem. It was the most striking feature of pearl scale goldfish and that name comes with scales that have tiny peals.

The body part of Pearlscale goldfish represents a plump and the fins are short and rounded. The color of Pearlscale goldfish is vibrant with red, orange, white, and black. The scales were glittering like metallic.

It was mainly suitable for fish experts because proper care must be given in terms of tank mates and water conditions. You need to keep them with peaceful and social fish and regular tank maintenance and filtration system is important for Pearlscale goldfish.

The Average lifespan of Pearlscale goldfish is 10 to 15 years. Without proper care and a balanced nutritious diet, the fish affect stress or any other disease and decrease their lifespan. So you need to provide sufficient care and an aquatic environment for Pearlscale goldfish.

If you keep them with aggressive fish, they may become stressed and start to lose scale while fighting. So be careful about tankmates and water conditions. 

Celestial Eye Goldfish

Celestial eye goldfish is a type of goldfish that was similar to bubble eye goldfish. One of the unique features is the upward-pointing eye and the flowing fins. The upward-facing eye makes them fancy-type goldfish.

The body of the celestial eye goldfish was rounded and its fins were long and flowing that was about the appearance and the color of the celestial eye goldfish is vibrant hues including orange, red, white, and black. They need special care for well being and the tank should not contain any sharp edge materials because it will damage their body parts.

You need to give a balanced nutritious diet including flakes and pellets. Another important thing is water quality because a tank cloudy will affect health. You need to keep a good aquarium filter system in the aquarium and maintain the filter cage once a week.

The average lifespan of celestial eye goldfish is 10 to 15 years, proper care is an important factor and it was not suitable for beginners.

Tamasaba Goldfish

Types of Goldfish

Tamasaba goldfish is a fancy type of goldfish that originated from Japan with a unique body shape and color. One of the main features is a slender body with vibrant colors. It comes in eye-catching colors with shades of red, orange, and yellow.

The different color variation on the body was attractive and it was mainly found in two colors white and red or orange. The fins of Tamasaba goldfish are flowing and long. They can be suitable for beginners because they can thrive in suitable water conditions and it was not difficult to care them.

You need to provide a proper water-conditioned tank with proper filtration and a balanced diet for Tamasaba goldfish. The average lifespan is 10 to 15 years. 

Veiltail Goldfish

Types of Goldfish

Veiltail goldfish are a popular variety of goldfish with their fins and tails. It will attract everyone with their tails and fins, the long and flowing tails and fins with swimming style were the main appearance.

The caudal fin was long and floating which resembles a delicate veil. The variety of color patterns and the vibrant red and orange with shades of white and black. The body shape was round with flowing fins.

Veiltail goldfish are social and peaceful, so they need to stay with friendly community fish. If you keep them with aggressive tankmates then fish fins and tails will be damaged in the fight. You need to provide proper care and tank mates for better growth of fish.

The average lifespan of Veiltail goldfish is 10 to 15 years, but you need to keep them in good water condition tank and install a proper filtration system in the tank. It was not suitable for beginners because they need good care and a balanced diet.

Telescope Goldfish

Types of Goldfish

Telescope goldfish is a variety type of goldfish that was similar to black moor goldfish. The main feature of telescope goldfish is their telescope eyes. The body shape of the telescope goldfish is round with bulged eyes.

The body was literally short and deep which makes them adorable look. The wide coloration with shades of red, orange, and black. The color can vary according to the size and shape of the goldfish.

You need to keep sharp material from the aquariums because it will damage the eye or body part of the fish. It was not suitable for beginners because they need good care with a balanced nutritious diet.

You need to maintain good water quality with regular cleaning maintenance and provide proper filtration with water conditions according to the fish. Telescope goldfish are social and peaceful fish, so they need to be kept in a peaceful fish community. The average lifespan is 10 to 15 years.

Pompon Goldfish

Types of Goldfish
Source WIKI

The Pompon goldfish is a fancy type of goldfish with a pompom on its head that was the main unique feature of pompon goldfish. The pompom was grown on the head and composed of cartilage and tissue.

The body was rounded with pompoms on its head with a wide variety of colors with shades of orange, red, black, and white even calico patterns. The rounded body and pompom on the head will make the attractive. The fins were short with a typical swimming pattern.

You need to provide proper care and a balanced nutritious diet for the pompon goldfish. Also, maintain the water quality and provide a proper filtration system in the tank. It was not suitable for beginners because they need good care. The average lifespan of pompon goldfish is 10 to 15 years. 

Which goldfish is best for aquariums?

If you are looking for attractive goldfish then you can choose fancy-type goldfish for a tank such as fantail goldfish, oranda goldfish, black moor goldfish, etc. The second choice is to choose a normal type goldfish that will be easy to care for and suitable for any water condition.

How do I choose a goldfish?

If you are ready to buy a goldfish, then go to near aquarium store and choose healthy goldfish with bright body color and active fish. They need to be active in the tank and check the body parts for any damage or disease affections.

Which type of goldfish lives longest?

Common or normal-type goldfish in the above list can live long because they don’t need any water-conditioned tank, But you need to provide quality water and peaceful tankmates.

What is the rarest goldfish?

As per our research, we found that “Meteor goldfish” is the rarest goldfish variety breed. 

What is the most famous goldfish?

There are a lot of most famous goldfish such as fantail goldfish, black moor goldfish, pearl scale goldfish, etc. But one of the most famous goldfish will be oranda goldfish.


In the above list, you can see the details of goldfish types and choose the right one for your aquarium. If you’re a beginner then research more about goldfish and start keeping one pair in the tank for studying water condition and feeding guide. 


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